Things To Do In Dallas

Grapevine Lake

Location: Grapevine

Price range: Free

Type of event: Park/Lake

I went to Grapevine Lake because I wanted to have a picnic, and it was the ideal place. My sister had told me about this lake a few weeks ago and highly recommended that I check it out. Needless to say, I was not disappointed. The lake is HUGE! My boyfriend and I went on a windy Thursday afternoon, and there was no one there; perfect for relaxation and some quiet time. The side we were on had a few picnic tables and rocks to climb on. We also had a front row seat on the large rocks as the sun slowly set into the water. So if you are looking for a tranquil or romantic place to hang out, Grapevine Lake is it!

They also hold events, which I don’t know much about, but you can access them at the website: .

This entry was written by anjulisethi and published on March 26, 2012 at 9:00 am. It’s filed under Free, Grapevine, Outdoors. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

One thought on “Grapevine Lake

  1. Amanda Boudreaux on said:

    Being from New Orleans I have always enjoyed hanging out by the lake or any body of water. When I moved to Dallas I did not know that there were parks like this. After reading your post and seeing your beautiful picture of the park it has made me more interested in checking it out! Thanks for sharing this location of something to do in Dallas 🙂

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